Sugar & Spice Book Club
Always Reading Somethin' ... And You Got that Right!



Founder & President of Sugar & Spice Book Club

I have to give credit to my older brother Michael for his contribution to my love of reading. For as long as I could remember he was always sending me books, for my birthday, for the holidays or just because he thought I would enjoy the author. His choice of authors I believe played a part in me growing up to be the woman I am today. At 16 yrs. old I was reading the likes Bebe Moore Campbell, Toni Morrison, Galoria Naylor, and of course Alice Walker. Just to mention a few of my favorites because I really have to many to mention. Bebe Moore Campbell "Your Blues Ain't Like Mine", Gloria Naylor's " Women of Brewster Place". Then for a different twist I was introduced to the world of the late great Octavia Butler.

I would have to say being a part of Sugar & Spice as been rewarding & fulfilling. I love to cook for my family and friends. You will find me at any give time trying a new dish or dessert. I also believe in taking care of myself and helping others improve on their self-care. Visit me at Warm Spirit for more information.

My motto: Lean on me, cry on my shoulders, you are my sistah, sisitah 4 sistah I am here for you.

Favorite verses:
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want"
"With God all things are possible"

All time prayer , as my grandmother and my pastor ( Rev. Whitsell) taught me to always pray with conviction "Thank You Lord."

My hero: my father Leroy Evans and my sistah Doreather Evans ( Reece)

"Reading takes you on a journey, lets travel together through this wonderful world of reading".

Sugar & Spice Book Club, Always Reading Somethin' ... And You Got that Right!